Friday 14 December 2012

Website Final Design

we shrunk the logo at the top of the page so that it looked better and wasn't drawing attention away from the rest of the page, we also made  better use of the space on the page, we made the size of the video and the the bar above it smaller so that we could get more into the page without making it look crammed. We also made the band images into a gallery so they would stay at a uniform distance apart, then labeled them bellow, this saved allot of space and makes the page more compact and look alot better.
We replaced the CD in the Merch store with the album we have created, this felt more fitting and allow us to link our products together, we also made the twitter feed longer and brought it up inline with the merch store so that it all looks uniform.

Now that the whole website is done it looks allot better than every iteration before, this is because of the changes we have made to make it look similar and link it all together with the black and white crime theme and having the cops and robbers theme.

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