Friday 14 December 2012

Digipak edit 14/12/12

Since the last post we feel we have done the remaining editing effects needed to make our digipak that you could find in the shops. On the front cover we have replace the Arctic monkeys title with the logo we made ourselves, based on the original monkey's logo, and also after looking at the back cover we decided to darken the shadows with gives the front cover a more of an moody, edgy look. We also moved the balaclava so the top of the l's and b are on eye level with the two pictures.

On the spine we wanted to keep it simple so we made the back of if black and used the same font as the  one used for balaclava on the front and wrote the album and band name.

The back cover we used the idea of it being at the police station and having the 'balaclava case' as a top secret file, we kept to the theme of the digipak and website and made it black and white and on the cover of the file we added the song tittles that would appear on the C.D.

On the inside we kept with the black and white theme and used portrait shots and used the same effect on these as we did with the front cover and then merged them together and softened  the edges to stop them cutting each other out.

We just placed a black strip where the spine would be as we feel that it would be too tedious to try to put anything there and also no one looks at the inside of the spine, so we went for simplicity.

For the actual CD we wanted this to be also simple but easily recognisable too witch is why we decided to have the CD black with the album and band name wrote on, we used ideas from existing CD's and digipaks by having the text not fully fitting and cuts at the edge of the CD. We decided to keep the back ground around the CD simple and a light grey to make the CD stand out more.

We feel that with some minor adjustments this will be our final digipak.

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