Sunday 2 December 2012

Second day of shooting

Today (1/12/12) was our second day of shooting, we decided to film all of the narrative today as we didn't need all the musical equipment,  we also decided to do this during the hours of 1 and 4 pm so that we would get the most sunlight during winter time.

We firstly re shot one of the items being stolen due to the continuity error in the first shoot, we found a location in the house that hadn't appeared in the shoot before so that there was no errors

then we decided to shoot the opening scenes, we asked my next door neighbour for permission to jump over the hedge that connects our gardens, he agreed so we filmed as quickly as we could so that we didn't disturb him too much. we needed to keep the band in the order that they came into the house to keep with continuity.
Once we had shot the opening we shot everything else after the beginning instrumental, we shot the band escaping the house we firstly filmed this and made the band run past the right of the camera, but we realised that the remainder of the shoot would get allot of glare from the setting sun at the end of the street, so we re shot them running to the left, this created another problem because there was allot of cars on that  part of the street, we decided to add a new shot, i sat in the back of Corey's car boot so that we could get a steady shot of the band running towards the camera, we decided to do this shot even though it was not planed because this has been a common way to shoot a running to camera scene.

The last scene was slightly difficult to film because of timing, for this scene I was operating the camera, Ryan was directing the actors for timing purposes and Corey was working with Matt (lead singer) for musical timing and lip syncing. For the first few takes Paula (Police officer) was going too fast for me to keep up with and sometimes covering the camera with the balaclavas. 
 One of the difficulty's with removing one balaclava and revealing one underneath was that the underneath balaclava would sometimes come off or move over Matt's face and ruin the ability to lip sync, we firstly tired to pin the lower balaclava to his t-shirt but i realized that  this could ruin the t-shirt if Paula pulled too hard, so we used a hair bobble to tie the balaclava tight and tuck it under so that it wouldn't pull off.

Overall we believe that we have filmed everything now, so all we need to do is eddit.  

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