Tuesday 30 October 2012

Detailed Analysis of Artists Websites

Arctic Monkeys                                http://arcticmonkeys.com/

Image and logo
The bands image and logo is presented clearly on the home page of the website, this is so the audience can clearly identify the artist/band. The logo is typically in the top left corner of each webpage and this particular website is no different, it stays locked in the top corner even when the user scrolls down. This can be seen as a corporate image to make the band both memorable and easily identifiable.

From looking At the colour scheme and layout of the website you can tell that this is not a pop group or rock band, this band aims to emphasise their independence and make themselves original.

New Tech and links
The website shows links to social networking sites such as twitter and face book, here it gives the audience an opportunity to get more involved with the band and find much more specific information about a particular event or just general information about the band. Numerous videos are evident on the webpage showing live performances in venues across the world.

Colour and style
the colour of this particular website is very dull and unappealing however this suits the bands image, where the band likes to present themselves in a dark and unique fashion. This means that the audience will respond to this colour scheme positively because of their experience with the band. The style of the website I personally find very effective, this is because of its simplistic but clear way of presenting information to the audience.

Written Context
The information presented in the website gives a general overview of the bands latest news, upcoming events and gives their audience a chance to post blogs on their website. This is a way for fans to get into contact with the bands directly. The website also gives fans a chance to enter their online shop where they can purchase new merchandise.

Font and Layout
The font for this particular website is very generic and simple, if allows the audience to read it clearly and makes it easy to take in information from the website. The layout is also very effective because it spaces out the information equally, leaving important information like the bands upcoming  concerts towards the centre of the screen making that the first thing that the user sees when entering the website. The navigation bar however is very small and can be unnoticeable to certain users, however the fact that if the user scrolls down the navigation bar stays follows makes up for it. I particularly like the way the website presents their images on their “photos” webpage, they are all shown on one page and gives users the opportunity to enlarge them if requested.

Target Audience
The target audience for this website is clear due to the fact that the band posts videos of their fans at concerts and passed events. Creating links to social networking sites also indicates that this band could be aiming towards young adults as their target audience.

There are subtle advertisements in this websites, the most obvious are the logo’s for social networking sites (Twitter and Facebook)


Foo Fighters                         http://www.foofighters.com/uk/home

Image and Logo
The whole look of their website shows similarities to the bands new album, wasting light which is a effective but subtle way of advertising it. The logo is clearly presented at the top left corner of the webpage which is fairly common for official band websites.

The genre of the band is fairly obvious from looking at their website, their colour scheme relates to a rock band through the use of images to show their live performances and rehearsals.

New Tech and Links
As soon as you enter the website you notice a large image slideshow across the homepage, here it shows live performances, album covers and exclusive shots of rehearsals. You can also access the bands Twitter page, facebook page etc via a link on the homepage and on a specific webpage from the navigation bar to see even more exclusive information.

Colour and Style
I personally like this colour scheme because the consistent use of dark colours on the navigation bar and background allows the audience to focus on the important and specific information that is shown in colour. The way certain images are presented a distorted and unorganised fashion also reflects the bands genre and style, by following their newest album covers look.

Written Context
In terms of the quality of information, the website is both insightful and interesting showing key pieces of information effectively and clearly. There is also a page where users can post messages to the band via a fan blog.

Font and Layout
The font used in this webpage is very much like the arctic monkeys website where it is easy to read and not formal, the layout however is much more user friendly compared to the Arctic Monkeys website. This is because the navigation bar is at a suitable size so users can find it and access it easily, and multimedia files such as music, images and videos are displayed and also easily accessible. Where you can search for a song relating to its year of release.

Target Audience
The target audience is fairly similar to the Arctic Monkeys however they also appeal to an older generation too (15 – 30) This can be shown through the bands age themselves; the band started out in 1995 so they will still have their fan base from their early career as well as the younger generation too

The main source of advertisements are from social networking sites where they encourage users to use their website to contact the band. 


Fall Out Boy                             http://www.falloutboyrock.com/

Image and logo

The image is very modern and loud, this is present in the website through its bright colour scheme and images. The logo itself breaks normal conventions because much like Two Door Cinema Club's website the lgo is situated in the center of the screen.


It is very clear that this band's genre is rock through their dress sense shown via images on their website. The colour scheme is also similar to the Foo Fighters by presenting a typical dark approach to the genre

New tech and Links

Links to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are present on this website, it also allows access to music stores such as itunes to purchase new albums.

colour and Style

The colour scheme for this website seems very luxurious due to the use of red and gold throughout the website, The style of the website is very modern and appealing which fits most users capabilities, therefore it is very simple and easy to use / navigate.

Written Context

The information present on this website is very useful, giving details of the bands latest merchandise/albums/news and provides access to Questions and Answers on a separate page. 
Tour information is also present on the website ensuring that the band receives enough money and publicity. 

Font and Layout

The font for this websites is very modern, easy to read and suits the style of the website well. The font is similar to the Arctic Monkeys which would encourage users to explore the website. The layout of the website is also thought through and well designed. The navigation bar is at the center of the screen so that users can explore the website at ease.

Target Audience

The target audience for this band is not as clear due to the lack of images on the website displaying the fans, therefore it is difficult to identify the bands specific target audience. However due to the age of the band it is clear that they appeal to a younger audience. 


Advertisements are clear on the websites with links to social networking sites, YouTube and online shops 


The Kooks                                                   http://www.thekooks.com/

Image and Logo

This website looks very modern and fits the band’s image and style, like most official websites from bands their “logo” or band name is situated at the top left corner of the webpage.


The colour scheme and images used suggest that the genre is a light and more pop style form of rock, more so than bands such as the Killers or Foo Fighters. The modern look of the website suggests that the band appeals to a modern and mainstream audience too. 

New Tech and Links

In the top right corner of the webpage it shows links to other websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify and iTunes. This website has much more links than the Arctic Monkeys and Foo Fighters Website.

Colour and Style

I personally think that the style of the website is very appealing both visually and physically due to its easy access around the site. The use of colour is effective because it is able to advertise their new album clearly, because of the rest of the website being in black and white. 

Written Context

The majority of the information shown on the website is spoken to the user through the use of images and videos, where actual written information is very brief telling the user about specific dates and messages from the band. The information provided on the website however is much more desired by me personally and potentially other audiences, what I mean by this is that if a homepage had large paragraphs of writing it would encourage me to either leave the website completely or go onto another webpage.

Font and Layout

The font itself is very modern and professional making it both visually appealing as well as being easy to read. The font is consistent throughout the website and allows it all to flow making it seem like a well rounded website. The layout is very appealing to me personally as it incorporates the images and videos with the information effectively through the use of a slideshow gallery. The bands latest album is also presented to the viewer as soon as they enter the website, this is a very effective advertising tool and would encourage users to look into the bands latest work.

Target Audience

The bands target audience is not clear from just their websites as they have no images or videos from live concerts, however in the images of the band their clothing suggests that they are from a indie rock genre where a high number of young adult males are interested.


Other than promoting their new album there is limited amount of advertising on this website, however in the top left hand corner it shows links to social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter then links to other websites and applications such as iTunes, Spotify and YouTube.


The Killers                                    http://www.thekillersmusic.com/home

Image and Logo

The bands logo is located in the top left hand corner of the website which is common for an artists website. The bands image is presented well through the images presented on the slideshow and the colour scheme on the website. The images show the band members to make them more recognisable to the audience and the colour scheme shows the bands genre of music.


The dark colours shown on the website emphasise the genre of the band, where the users will instantly realise that this is not a pop band or Dance music. The bands clothing shown on the homepage also shows their genre of music, the leather jackets can be seen as a indication to their style of music.

New Tech and links

The use of a large slideshow works very well with the website where each image is a separate hyperlink to either another part of the website or a online music store, e.g. If I click on the bands latest album it takes me to the iTunes store to purchase it. It also gives me the option to access social networking sites i.e. Twitter or Facebook.

Colour and style

The websites colour scheme is also very effective because of the mixture in dark colours and one vibrant colour to present certain information (Navigation bar, Album Cover etc.) The use of red highlights subheadings and special deals from the online shop. The style of the website is very strange, it is presented as one big calendar which I find confusing and unnecessary. Using this calendar also breaks down the information too much leaving the users to scan through a large amount of the website to find the information they want.

Written Context

The Written information is very brief and in bite sized chunks. This is only effective if the user finds their piece of information straight away, whereas if the user cannot find their information they have to search through the website, causing the users stress.

Font and Layout

The font is very appealing and professional allowing users to read it clearly.
The font is consistent with the bands album title and allows the website to not only look professional but flow too
Target Audience

Judging from the bands clothing they appeal to a very generic and stereotypical rock fan, however their specific age group is uncertain. Due to the bands length of career they have a wide age range due to them picking up new younger fans each year.


They present their latest album very clearly on the front of the website and offer users a chance to buy the album straight away. The website also has links to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and other websites such as YouTube and Spotify

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