Friday 12 October 2012

Comments from the pitch

Very good initial idea but it may be difficult in terms of band syncing (difficult to sing to, you'll need a pretty good drummer!) I'd think about more things you could do with the narrative, rather than just performance. Add humor, like stealing silly things etc, and think about the lyrics, you need a woman!

the narrative could get a bit boring so you need to expand your idea because it could get boring, you should follow the narrative of the song a bit more and get some girl involved. where are you gonna get a flashing light and a policeman from? eh?

good initial thoughts, need a few more ideas for the narrative as it could get a bit dull. Make it a bit more funny possibly stealing pointless things e.g. cheese cake

Like the idea, think it fits Arctic Monkeys genre possibly look at the narrative more!

Review Comments:
-We needed to be clear about our narrative
- make the narrative vary with shots
-talk about the varying shots for performance
-we want to have a female police officer but failed to mention it in the pitch
-we have ideas of what we want to do we need to re-do our step outline with more detail

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