Monday 12 November 2012

The first shoot 10/11/12

 For our first shoot we had planed to do at least  80% of the full music video, sadly this wasn't possible because of our actors not having enough time and the posiblility of not having enough light to film outside with

Throughout the day we all took on different rolls such as cameraman director we all also had to check for continuity. In the photo above you see Corey using the camera on the steadycam rig this was his roll for that particular scene. In this scene both me and Ryan where  directing  the cast, out of shot is our written storyboard, we used this to line up the music to what visuals we would see.

This photo is showing our band set up during the performance, the band is well lit in all the performance sections, all the light comes from two floor lights shining up on Matt (lead singer) as he is the main subject, the tall lights in the previous scene are used to light the other band members, the white light is shone directly at Simon (rhythm guitar) and the yellowish light is bounced off the wall on to Ronan (Bass) so that it is defused and not as strong.

We also took the opportunity to take band photos and individual photos for the website, we have multiple photos so that we can chose the best fit for our website

I also took the opportunity to do a first draft Photoshop for our bands CD cover  there where a few problems with this but i will cover it in a CD cover specific post.

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