Thursday 15 November 2012

Editing first try

Today we started editing together our music video, we firstly went through looking at all of our footage and breaking it up into manageable clips and putting them in order as listed in our written story board, this was so that we would not get confused or mistakenly put a clip in at the wrong segment.

After we had all of our clips in order we dropped the song (Balaclava) onto the the audio track then locate the first clip that could go onto the video track, we started with the performance sections adding the the clips in one by one, we made sure that we had the music playing on the day of shooting, this made it easier to sync  the audio track with the video clips, once we had our clips lined up we went through to double check that the audio and video synced up nicely, we did this by removing a couple of frames of the clip, this made the video clips look like they actually line up with the song.

We got many of the clips in order and cut to the right length but some of them needed extra cutting to make them transition better between jump cuts of the clips, this made the whole video look better, but sadly this made everything shift to the left or right, this is a problem in Imovie that we will have to work around, we discussed how we would work around the problem, i thought that we would be able to export  the film each time and edit around the exported clips but i realized that we would still have the same problem if we needed to re-edit the exported clip.

We also found a small continuity error as we didn't film in chronological order, this was to make it easier on both the cast and crew, we had an item that was stolen for the film but was shown  in the the performance section this will have to be altered, instead of re shooting the whole performance will change the item that gets stolen 

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